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What is the Working Principle of the Three-Hole Basin Faucet

Published by HOMESHOW 2023-03-30

The three-hole basin faucet is a type of plumbing fixture that is installed in the bathroom, kitchen, or other places where water is used. It is composed of a base, a handle, and a spout. It is used to control the flow of hot and cold water and to mix them together to get the desired temperature. There are a few different types of three-hole basin faucets available, but they all work on the same basic principles.

3 hole bathroom faucet

Working Principle The working principle of the three-hole basin faucet is based on the concept of pressure differential. This means that when the water pressure is different between the hot and cold water supply lines, the flow of water will be controlled. As the handle is rotated, valves open and close to control the flow of water from each of the two supply lines.

The handle of the faucet is connected to a stem, which is in turn connected to the valves inside the base of the faucet. When the handle is turned, it causes the stem to move, which in turn causes the valves to open and close.

This controls the flow of water from the two supply lines, allowing the desired temperature to be achieved. When the handle is in the middle position, both the hot and cold water lines are open and water will flow from both of them at the same time.

When the handle is turned to the left, the hot water line is opened and the cold water line is closed. This causes the water to be hotter than usual. Similarly, when the handle is turned to the right, the cold water line is opened and the hot water line is closed, thus resulting in colder water.

The three-hole basin faucet is typically used in bathrooms, but it can also be used in kitchens and other places where water is used. It is a convenient and practical way to control the temperature of the water, as it allows the user to easily adjust the temperature as needed. 

bathroom basin faucet

The three-hole basin faucet is a type of plumbing fixture that is used to control the flow of hot and cold water. It is composed of a base, a handle, and a spout, and it works on the concept of pressure differential. When the handle is turned, valves open and close to control the flow of water from the hot and cold water supply lines. This allows the user to achieve the desired temperature of the water. The three-hole basin faucet is typically used in bathrooms, but it can also be used in kitchens and other places where water is used.


basin faucet

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